Sunday, 23 June 2013

RUMOR: Battlefield 4 Alpha Screens Leaked

Another month and yet another batch of Battlefield 4 screens. This time around however, there is no official release by EA or DICE, instead they have been leaked onto the site imgur. Images of the game’s alpha stage were among the leaked images and are quite interesting.
The images popped up over 14 hours ago on the picture sharing site and has since been viewed over 29,000 times (at the time of publication). In some of the leaked images, there is gameplay and different settings to be seen. There is also shots of the current home screen for the game which looks incredibly similar to the Battlefield 3 home screen, with the same options including Multiplayer and My Soldier. Gameplay wise there is not much to be said for the screenshots as they are very early builds of the maps and only feature certain blank areas such as offices in a sky scraper and a place that is next to the sea. There is the inclusion of tanks, a Battlefield favorite, returning according to the screens and multiple vehicles such as trucks and jeeps. Basic damage also features in some of them.
Also detailed in the shots are some of the possibilities for customization. There are the familiar dog tags which have been used before in Battlefield games, a side arm (labelled the QSZ-92 for anyone that wants to know) and other familiar primary weapons such as the SV-98 sniper rifle. Each class comes with a presentation of how your character looks in game alongside the chosen weapons and specializations.
For the full 59 images go here.
As we do not know for certain where these images have originated from class this under rumor for now. The settings and user interface lend themselves heavily towards Battlefield 3 so it wouldn’t be out of the realm of possibility that these may have been faked. Stay with us at Leviathyn for more news as we get it!
Here are a selection of some of the images:




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